Our Milton Neighbor, Crabapple Neighbors, Hickory Flat Neighbors
Em-BRACE-ing Technology at STABLE Orthodontics by Dr. Korry Tauber, STABLE Orthodontics

Em-BRACE-ing Technology at STABLE Orthodontics by Dr. Korry Tauber, STABLE Orthodontics

April 15, 20244 min read

At STABLE Orthodontics, we are proud to provide treatment that is above and beyond the therapy that you would have received at a traditional orthodontic office. We invest in the latest technology to ensure your consultation and the time that you spend with us during treatment is as comfortable and successful as we can make it.

One of the things that we are most excited about in defining our “STABLE Smiles” is using custom fit braces. Many orthodontists use braces that are designed as a one-size-fits-all measurement which means that even though people have teeth of different sizes and shapes, everyone is getting the same exact set of braces. At STABLE Orthodontists, we take a different approach as our patients are treated with brackets that are 3D printed. These custom braces are made specifically for every single tooth which means that we can move teeth more comfortably, quickly, and predictably to make sure that you get your perfect smile easier and faster. Our 3D printed braces are made with a Bioclear material which is highly aesthetic since they are barely visible on the teeth. Testing shows that this polymer does not create tooth wear like the older clear brackets. We are able to offer clear braces on every tooth, top and bottom from back to front. Because they are digitally designed, if we need to make a change to any of the brackets then we can go right to the computer to change the design and print out a brand new bracket. We have total control over everything.

One of the best outcomes of being more purposeful with the custom design is that we can finish smiles quicker. Typically, an average orthodontic case takes about two years, but we are finishing the same complex cases in 12 to 18 months. As much as we love working with our families and patients, we love getting braces off and being done with treatment sooner with a more beautiful smile.

In our office, we use both 3D scanning and 3D X-rays to help develop a personalized treatment plan. Years ago, we would place braces on teeth with the goal of just wanting them to look straighter. With our 3D technology, we actually create a digital version of your teeth to show you what your final smile will look like even before we begin any treatment. This is useful when we want to talk about different options for treatment, whether the plan is to broaden or widen your smile, fill the black corners of your lips, or push the teeth forward to make your smile more prominent in how you wear your smile. This also allows us to discuss exactly where we want each tooth positioned in your smile when we are finished with treatment. Our 3D X-rays are very important as we make sure that the roots of the teeth are included in your treatment plan. Of course we are concerned about the white part of the tooth, but we also understand that the crowns of the white teeth are held in place because of the roots that are in the bone. These 3D X-rays allow us to visualize exactly how much bone is on each tooth, each side of the tooth, and when teeth are positioned healthy, with bones surrounding them on all four sides. This will prevent having injury to the root. It will also prevent us from having teeth shift even after treatment is completed.

Like with a lot of the world, we have been impacted positively by the increased use of artificial intelligence in orthodontics. We are able to utilize this technology to diagnose problems in teeth, the face, and even assessing the airway. Treatment planning decisions have been enhanced by simulating the possible treatment outcomes. And in clinical practice, we have improved opportunities for what we call virtual care or teleorthodontics. This even allows us to treat patients who do not live close by or who cannot come into the office for an in-person visit regularly.

With remote monitoring, a photo is taken with your cell phone and uploaded to an app where AI scans the photo and highlights points that the doctor can then review as part of your treatment plan. AI can detect if the teeth need to be cleaned better, if there are braces that are broken, if a wire has come loose, or if the clear aligners are fitting well. We are able to monitor things like if rubber bands are being worn properly or if the teeth have moved as we designed it along with so many more things. There are hundreds of different aspects of orthodontic treatment that are now monitored and can be managed remotely using artificial intelligence. It is like we are taking a look at your smile every single week instead of only being looked at every two months. One of the coolest things I like to do is—because all those photos are saved—to morph a photo of the initial smile with where you are currently in treatment to see how the teeth have changed since the start of treatment.

By embracing technology, STABLE Orthodontics is able to better fulfill our goal of providing you with a beautiful, straight, well-aligned smile that highlights and accentuates the beauty of a smiling face!

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Stacey Poehler

Executive Producer, Good Neighbor Podcast: Milton & More

Publisher: Our Milton Neighbor, Crabapple Neighbors, Hickory Flat Neighbors


(470) 664-4930


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